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Monday, December 7, 2009


I fell for this guy big time, we got together and i ended up pregnant again, was so tired all the time but thrilled, was having the guy i loved's baby. It wasn't meant to be and at 12 weeks i lost the baby, i wasn't drinking but didn't eat...we were too poor...so at 19 yrs old i had to go for another d and c. I felt really sad this time and decided it probably was for the best as the conservative/tory party had made it so the poor were too poor to eat. We could not afford a child anyway. Plus we were living four floors up in an ok room (we'd moved) but can you imagine trying to get a pram up/down all them stairs. Yes, there was no housing in those days either (15 yrs ago). On a plus side i was getting on with my parents better now i lived over 200 miles away and never saw them.
Thankyou chris for loving me and taking me somewhere safe. I will always be grateful for that.

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