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Monday, December 7, 2009

System fail #1

Not long after that, i ended up on a yts, our boss was rubbish and never did anything but sit in her room doing paperwork or skiving, she was supposed to teach us catering. So obviously it was chaos, the older ppl there took over the cooking and the younger ones did all the cleaning. Eventually we got sick of this and we started going to the pub for dinner and staying there for the rest of the day. I had a lot of friends there tho, and most of them knew my dad was hitting me even tho i hadn't told them, and when he punched me in the face and broke my glasses everyone knew he'd done it. Some were sympathetic others tried to help. One girl took me to social services when i had a black eye, but the social worker wouldn't help me and told me i had to go to the police and not them. How could i go without making things worse for myself? That was the first time i asked the failing system for help.

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