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Monday, December 7, 2009

Losing it.

I still wasn't eating so didn't get morning sickness. One day when i was 15 weeks pregnant i went to the toilet at a friends house, i was bleeding so i asked her for a tampon, and she asked why? I replied i had my period, she panicked and said you're not supposed to have your period when pregnant. I felt stupid, she walked me two miles home, where i had to tell my mum and she phoned for the doctor. I ended up on gynea ward, waiting for a scan to tell me if my baby was ok. Days later i got the scan, and was told i'd had a miscarraige. And they took me to the ward. One of the women there asked if i was ok and i told her i'd had a miscarraige So i'd probably be going home in a bit. She explained what a miscarraige was (just the baby had died and was still inside me, i thought a miscarraige was the baby had come out) and i spent all afternoon and that night wishing it wasn't in me, i did not want a dead body inside me. I had my first d and c the next day. Then another uncle brought me home, i remember seeing the babies dad driving behind us that day. Even though i was sad to lose the baby, later on in my life i realised how lucky i was to have a chance to grow up before i had kids.

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