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Monday, December 7, 2009

Got to 39 weeks!

Ok, i had to go into hospital 3 times, around the time of gestation i was with each miscarraige. So i went in, and loved it. Had three meals a day for the first time in 10 yrs, had a rest and slept solid for the first whole week, i woke up for food only! And at 16 weeks pregnant i was allowed home for good. I was amazed to get so far! I wanted two girls and was thrilled to find out that my baby looked like she was a girl, and babies dad looked after me too. I got a flat a couple of miles away from him and he got a job, so i hardly saw him any more from 7 months onwards. I was ok with this until my babies head engaged at 35 weeks, the midwife said i could go into labour at any time. And i asked my babies dad to move in with me but he didn't want to. My mum came up to see me once and brought some tatty baby clothes but it was nice to see her. It was the only time she ever visited me in my whole life. I'm 36 now. Anyway it was nice to see her. I did up my babies room all pink and spent ages putting cute pics up on the walls that i'd cut out of magazines, was still poor but proud. And the hostel gave me some furniture and a washing machine. And i got £100 maternity grant, which i spent on a pram and bottles, and other bits for the baby, it didn't go far. And by 39 weeks i woke in the night to pains every hour. But as i was alone i didn't know what to do.

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