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Monday, December 7, 2009

Tests, tests, tests.

As soon as i came out of hospital i started drinking anything i could get my hands on. My brother was great and cooked me meals coz i wasn't eating....love you ste, thanks....and my hostel friends were great, tho we did all drink way too much. I was booked in for blood tests, the babys dad had dumped me so i went for them by myself, then waited. For the next 6 weeks my ex kept calling round. Stupidly i thought it was because he loved me so i got back with him, maybe he did love me? I have no idea tbh. Anyway i was pregnant before i got my results, so i went and got the results and the chromosomes tests turned out to be fine. I was ok. And she wanted me to go into hospital to rest so that i didn't lose my baby. I'll tell you in my next blog why this was the best thing ever!

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