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Monday, December 7, 2009


After i lost my nightmare job, i couldn't find work so was fed up. It was my first time not being able to get a job. Things went downhill from there, the landlord made us claim we were living in a bed and breakfast so he could get more money, then he would not let anyone in the shared house have the heating on (he boxed over it so we couldn't switch it on) and then he started charging us £10 council tax and £5 for one hour of heating a day. I'd lost my job and benefits were £30 a week, this crippled us and arguments started because we were too poor, cold, hungry and we split up. Chris moved out, i got thrown out because he could get more rent for my room if a couple were in it. A year later i got a letter saying he had claimed housing benefits for a year after i left. Private landlords can be incredibly greedy. I hope he had to pay it all back.

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